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Found 52499 results for any of the keywords act 1979. Time 0.020 seconds.
Inter State MIgrant Workman Act 1979 in kochiHome Inter State MIgrant Workman Act 1979
Factories Act 1948 in kochiThe Factories Act is a social legislation that has been enacted for occupational safety, health, and welfare of workers at the work place. The State of Kerala has formulated its rules as envisaged under the Act
Telecommunications Act, 1996 (as amended)Telecommunications Act, 1996 No. 103 of 1996
Shops And Commercial Establishments Act 1961 in kochiHome Shops And Commercial Establishments Act 1961
Trade Union Act 1926 in kochiEvery application for registration of a Trade Union shall be made to the Registrar, and shall be accompanied by a copy of the rules of the Trade Union and a statement of the following particulars, namely;
Acts OnlineActs Online provides legislation, including amendments and Regulations, in an intuitive, online format. We are the leading resource for freely available Legislation in South Africa and are used daily by thousands of prof
Acts OnlineActs Online provides legislation, including amendments and Regulations, in an intuitive, online format. We are the leading resource for freely available Legislation in South Africa and are used daily by thousands of prof
Lal Bagh - WikipediaLalbagh has four gates numbered 1 to 4. Gates 1 and 2 are on the north side. Gate 3 is to the east and Gate 4 is to the west. The eastern gate is situated near Siddapura Circle (K.H Circle - K.H Double Road) and one can
Official Website of Kolkata Municipal CorporationArt Galleries / Museums / Libraries
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